%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% https://bibdesk.sourceforge.io/ %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:} @string{ajps = {American Journal of Political Science}} @string{apsa = {Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association}} @string{apsr = {American Political Science Review}} @string{asr = {American Sociological Review}} @string{bjps = {British Journal of Political Science}} @string{cp = {Comparative Politics}} @string{cps = {Comparative Political Studies}} @string{cup = {Cambridge University Press}} @string{ejpr = {European Journal of Political Research}} @string{icpsr = {Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research}} @string{io = {International Organization}} @string{isq = {International Studies Quarterly}} @string{jasa = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}} @string{jbes = {Journal of Business \& Economic Statistics}} @string{jcr = {Journal of Conflict Resolution}} @string{joe = {Journal of Econometrics}} @string{jop = {Journal of Politics}} @string{jpr = {Journal of Peace Research}} @string{lsq = {Legislative Studies Quarterly}} @string{midwest = {Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association}} @string{pc = {Public Choice}} @string{prq = {Political Research Quarterly}} @string{pup = {Princeton University Press}} @string{southern = {Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association}} @string{tas = {The American Statistician}} @string{wp = {World Politics}} @article{fowler2013electoral, title={Electoral and policy consequences of voter turnout: Evidence from compulsory voting in Australia}, author={Fowler, Anthony}, journal={Quarterly Journal of Political Science}, volume={8}, number={2}, pages={159--182}, year={2013} } @article{sekhon2012natural, Author = {Sekhon, Jasjeet S and Titiunik, Rocio}, Journal = {American Political Science Review}, Number = {1}, Pages = {35--57}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {When natural experiments are neither natural nor experiments}, Volume = {106}, Year = {2012}} @article{hainmueller2013gets, Author = {Hainmueller, Jens and Hangartner, Dominik}, Date-Added = {2019-09-03 17:29:19 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2019-09-03 17:29:19 -0400}, Journal = {American political science review}, Number = {1}, Pages = {159--187}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Who gets a Swiss passport? 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