Honor, Conduct and Grievance Policies

Below are preambles to the Laney Graduate School's honor code, conduct code, involuntary withdrawal policy and procedure, and the grievance procedure. Scroll down or click on a heading to be taken to the desired section.

To read the complete codes and policies, please refer to Section 3 of the Laney Graduate School Handbook.

Honor Code

This code is presented in order to acquaint students with: (1) the rights and responsibilities of members of the academic community; and (2) some of the policies that apply to them as members of the academic community at Emory University. All students and members of the faculty in the Laney Graduate School are expected to cooperate in maintaining academic integrity. Given below in this Honor Code are definitions of academic dishonesty and the procedure for hearings in cases where academic misconduct is suspected.

Refer to Section 3.1 of the Laney Graduate School Handbook for the entire Honor Code.

Conduct Code

This code is presented to accomplish the following objectives: to acquaint students with (1) the rights and responsibilities of members of the academic community; and (2) some of the policies that apply to them as members of the academic community at Emory University. All students, as members of the Laney Graduate School and of the University community, are presumed to know:

  • That the University community assumes high standards of courtesy, integrity, and responsibility in all of its members.
  • That the requirements of student conduct expressed or implied in this code are in effect and applicable to all students.
  • That they are individually responsible for their own conduct and for their violations of the requirements of student conduct.
  • That continuation as a student is conditional upon compliance with these requirements.
  • This code does not pretend to catalog every law or regulation related to the student’s life. Rather, it attempts to identify only those whose violation is almost certain to be considered a breach of acceptable conduct. This code further describes in detail the operation of the conduct procedures within the graduate school.

Refer to the LGS Handbook for additional information.

Involuntary Withdrawal Policy and Procedure

Emory University considers the safety and welfare of its students, faculty, and staff a top priority. When a student engages in behavior that violates Emory’s rules of conduct, the behavior will be addressed as a disciplinary matter under the applicable Student Conduct Code. The Student Conduct Code defines prohibited conduct and outlines a process for conducting disciplinary proceedings.

This Involuntary Withdrawal Policy and Procedure is not a disciplinary code, policy or process. It is not intended to apply to situations in which a student engages in behavior that violates the University’s rules of conduct. It is intended to apply when a student’s observed conduct, actions and/or statements indicate a direct threat to the student’s own health and/or safety, or a direct threat to the health and/or safety of others. There may be situations in which both this Involuntary Withdrawal Policy and the Student Conduct Code may apply. In all cases, the Dean of the Laney Graduate School shall have final authority regarding the decision, enactment, enforcement, and management of the involuntary withdrawal of a student.

Refer to the LGS Handbook for additional information.

Grievance Procedure

Students who wish to outline grievances or disagreements of an intra-program nature should first address either the program Chair or the appropriately designated committee in their program. Students who do not receive satisfaction through these channels, or who believe that they have recognized academic or professional problems that cannot be presented profitably to their programs, may present grievances to the Laney Graduate School Committee on Grievances. This committee is composed of three graduate faculty members. Any student who wishes to present grievances in academic matters to the Laney Graduate School Committee on Grievances should communicate with the Associate Dean of the Laney Graduate School.

Refer to the LGS Handbook for additional information.